
Agfaはオランダの会社 Unilinと協力して、ラミネートの床と家具を製造するための水性インクジェットソリューションを開発しました。これは来月のドイツのフランクフルトでの InPrintショーで実演されます。
Agfa to demonstrate aqueous ink industrial print
Agfa has worked with the Dutch company Unilin to develop water-based inkjet solutions for manufacturing laminate flooring and furniture, which it will demonstrate at next month’s InPrint show in Frankfurt, Germany.

Agfa has developed water-based inkjet inks to print to laminate flooring and furniture.

ラミネートソリューションは、Unilinが開発したプライマーと Agfaのインクの組み合わせで、ラミネートフローリングや家具などの装飾面の高速ロールツーロールシングルパスデジタル印刷を可能にします。インクプライマーセットは、良好な印刷品質と低インク消費で広い色域を実現すると言われています。これにより、他のインクジェット方式よりも安価なソリューションが可能になり、通常のグラビア印刷である大量のアナログ印刷と直接対決できるようになります。
The laminate solution is a combination of primers developed by Unilin and inks from Agfa that enable high-speed roll-to-roll single-pass digital printing of decorative surfaces like laminate flooring and furniture. The ink-primer set is said to deliver wide colour gamut with good print quality and low ink consumption. This in turn allows for a cheaper solution than other inkjet approaches so that it can compete head-to-head with high-volume analog printing, which is typically conventional gravure printing.

■ 大野註:この業界は Scahtt Decorや千代田グラビヤといったロール紙へのグラビア印刷業者と、それを購入し基材にラミネートして床材や合板を生産する合板製造業者がいます。グラビア印刷業者は版の管理や小ロット化や特急対応が頭痛の種で、一方の購入者としての合板製造業者は購入した(印刷済みの)ロール紙の在庫管理が頭痛の種になっています。いずれの側にもオンデマンド生産のニーズがあるのです。

In theory, high speed and cost-effective roll-to-roll digital printing should appeal to both established décor printers and in-house decor paper production by flooring and furniture manufacturers. It should be relatively easy to integrate this solution into existing manufacturing facilities as it is fully compatible with conventional processing, including impregnation, pressing, cutting & milling. Also, as it is a digital process, inkjet printing can be used during the full life cycle of a design – from the start-up with a very small run, through high-volume production, up to the last few print batches when a specific design is being phased out. This design flexibility should make it easier to react to market demands and significantly reduce the need to hold large volumes of stock.

This should be seen as part of a general trend towards developing aqueous inkjet inks for industrial applications, driven by demands for more sustainable products, as well as for reasons of cost-efficiency and safety. As part of this Agfa is also working on developing water-based inkjet inks for packaging applications, including corrugated packaging and flexible packaging.

Agfaには、幅広い UVインクと噴射可能なプライマーおよびワニスもあり、形状に直接印刷したものと印刷した内装の両方のサンプルが表示されます。これには、木目調デザインを印刷するためのメタメリズムの低い UVインクセットが含まれます。詳細については agfagraphics.comをご覧ください。
Agfa also has a wide range of UV inks as well as jettable primers and varnish and will show samples from both direct-to-shape printing and printed interior decoration. This includes a UV inkset with low metamerism for printing wood grain designs. You can find further details at

