- 2020-4-7
- Nessan Cleary 記事紹介
Xerox has given up on its attempt to acquire HP, citing “the current global health crisis and resulting macroeconomic and market turmoil caused by CoVid-19”.

Xerox’s Webster research Centre, near Rochester, New York in the USA.
Xerox had earlier announced that it would postpone presentations and meetings relating to the attempted acquisition due to the threat from the Corona Virus. However, at that time Xerox added that it did not consider “the market decline since the date of its offer or the temporary suspension of trading in HP shares that occurred on March 10, 2020 and March 12, 2020 as a result of market-wide circuit breakers procedures to constitute a failure of any condition to its offer to acquire HP.”
それにもかかわらず、Xeroxは現在、HPの株式に対する公開買付けを撤回しており、HPの取締役会への支持者の指名への取り組みも放棄しています。奇妙なことに、Xeroxの発言は HP株主から自分の銀行家に関係するすべての人に感謝を表し、まるでアカデミー賞を受け入れるスピーチのように聞こえましたが、どちらの側に関与するプレーヤーもこの無意味なトタバタで賞を受賞するに値するとは思えません。
Nonetheless, Xerox has now withdrawn its tender offer for HP’s shares, and is also giving up on its efforts to nominate its supporters to HP’s Board of Directors. Strangely, Xerox’s statement went on to thank everyone involved from HP shareholders to their own bankers, sounding somewhat like a speech accepting an Oscar, though I doubt that any of the players involved on either side deserve any awards for this pointless exercise.
HP acknowledged the end of this saga with its own statement, saying: “Our focus remains on addressing the needs of our ecosystem of stakeholders around the world, ensuring that we build on our strength and resiliency throughout this crisis and position the business for the opportunities ahead.”
それにもかかわらず、Xeroxは先週、Altodigitalと ITEC Connectの2つ英国に拠点を置く企業の買収をなんとか完了しました。Xeroxの EVPおよび EMEAオペレーション担当社長である Xavier Heiss氏は次のように述べています:「Altodigitalと ITECは、どちらもマネージドプリントサービスのリーダーであり、Xeroxが新しい製品で急速に拡大している ITサービスのスペシャリストです。」
Nonetheless, Xerox did manage to complete two other acquisitions last week, for Altodigital and ITEC Connect, both based in the UK. Xavier Heiss, EVP and president of EMEA Operations, Xerox. “Altodigital and ITEC are both leaders in managed print services and specialists in IT services, an area into which Xerox is rapidly expanding with new offerings.”