【UPDATE】Japan Inkjet Technology Fair(JITF2023)

OIJC is planning to host JITF2023, Japan Inkjet Technology Fair, encouraged by a great success of JITF2022. October 30(Mon) & 31(Tue) at TKP Ichigaya (the same place as last year), followed by All in Print China (全印点@上海)for your scheduling convenience.

Special Partners & Sponsors

【Exhibitors (Confirmed)】 Click here to see the list


TKP Conference Center Ichigaya, Tokyo (same as last year) 7th floor 
ZIP 162-0844 TKP Ichigaya Building, 8-8, Hachiman-cho, Shinjuku, Tokyo


30th October (Mon.)

08:00-09:00 (Setting up)
09:00 Opening & Registration
10:00 Lectures start
18:00 Networking Reception (8th floor)

31st October (Tue.)

09:00 Opening & Registration
10:00 Lectures start
16:00 Closing(TBD)
16:00-18:00 Dismantling booths

【JITF 2022, how it looked like】

Downlord the booklet JITF2022
An article by Nessan Cleary
Photo Reports JITF 2022


1. the exhibition covers the elements, components, inks, colour materials, software, integrators, consultants and related services that make up industrial inkjet. General-purpose printers are excluded, but special printers and equipment will be included.
2. exhibitors will be provided with one table, a 30-minute presentation slot and two people to attend the reception
3. 40 tables are planned.The early bird discount will be applied until Wednesday, 31 August.


1. open to all those with some involvement or interest in industrial inkjet.
2. especially those who would like to change or discuss their current manufacturing (printing) processes with inkjet are welcome.
3. people/experienced persons/companies who can be commissioned to develop/integrate such equipment are also welcome.
4. the networking reception is scheduled for Monday, 21 November, from 17:30.
5. The number of people at the reception is expected to be around 200. If the number is likely to exceed this, a second venue will be set up on the same floor.

[Questions / Applications]

Send me email for any questions and / or applications

【Price List】

Question and/or Application

